Continue to read on about 3 popular hair techniques: Highlights, Balayage, and Ombrés. When you book your next hair appointment, you will walk in with confidence and a better understanding on your desired look.

Highlights are sections or strands of hair that are dyed a few shades lighter than the base color. The main purpose of highlights is to brighten up the overall color of your hair and add dimension to it. The shade of your highlights is based on the natural color of your hair and your complexion. Highlights, unlike any other forms of coloring, go from root to tip; which means the strands of hair are lightened from your scalp right to the ends. Highlighting Tip: Never go 3 shades lighter than your natural color; You don’t want to look like a zebra!
Should I get Highlights?
While there are more hair color techniques, highlights are still predominantly popular. If you like more traditional and the lightened look, then this hair color is perfect for you! The difference between highlights and other coloring is the upkeep. Since the color is root to tip, you’ll need to visit the hair salon more often to preserve the color and prevent your roots from showing. If your highlights are not too different from your base color, you may be able to go longer before booking your next appointment.

Balayage is a French word meaning “to sweep” or “to paint”. This technique allows for a more sun-kissed, natural looking hair color. Balayage creates softer, less noticeable regrowth lines than traditional highlights. This concept is being less is more when creating soft, natural looks. Balayage emulates the parts of your hair that would naturally lighten in the sun. Balayage is also considered a “freehand” technique; where a hairstylist can “paint” the color on with their fingers. Because it is “handpainted”, your hairstylist can choose the placements to best compliment your haircut, skin and features so it looks really natural.
Should I get a Balayage?
Even though some still enjoy the traditional highlight look, others want to try a more natural approach. This technique works with an individual’s haircut and natural hair growth patterns. Balayage are also super speedy, meaning less time in a salon chair. Since it does grow out more naturally, this means less maintenance, so less frequent appointments. Want to lighten your hair but don’t want to worry about the upkeep? Balayage maybe the choice for you.

Ombré, meaning to shadow or shade in French, is a seamless graditation from darker to lighter. People typically confuse balayage and ombré; which you can combine them as well! Ombré is a dramatic, two-toned hair color effect that is typically darker at the top and lighter at the bottom. Often the dark, the top section, is your natural hair color shade and the bottom section is lightened with hair lightener. This technique can also be any color combination: natural blonde, brown, red or even something unconventional like pink or purple. The overall look of ombré hair color can change as your hair grows out, which many clients enjoy!
Should I get an Ombré?
If you like to make a statement with your hair, you like the more dramatic look or you’re more creative and adventurous with your personal style, then go for it! Just be sure that you maintain healthy hair or your hair will fade quicker and look dull. This style is more low maintenance and if you tend to change your mind often, you can just cut your hair rather than re-dye your entire head.
So which hair color technique best suits you or is your favorite? Comment below your answers!